
When does the League operate?
What nights are the games played on?
How many games does each team play?
What are the basic rules used in this touch football League?
What is the competition level like?
Are there any restrictions on who can play?
If I want to start a new team who do I contact and by when?
What is the cost to enter a new team?
If I am by myself, what can I do to join an existing team?
Are there other things I can do to enjoy this League/touch football?
What about payment of League fees?
Things Team Captains/Organizers might benefit from
Things each Team Member must know for each game
Tips on Team Jerseys
When does the MTFL operate?
The League's pre-season by contacting returning and potential new teams in early February with information about the upcoming Annual General Meeting (AGM) held in late March.
At the AGM, the Executive Committee is elected, returning and potential new teams are informed about any new changes for the upcoming season, plus Annual League Fees and Team Registration Forms are collected at this time.
The regular season is a 13 week season that runs from mid-May to mid-August, with the playoffs running from mid-August to the first week of September.
What nights are MTFL games played on?
Games are played on weeknights (Monday through Thrusday) with a kickoff time of 7:00 p.m. at high school fields and at the field located at the Mississauga Valley Community Centre, we have kickoff times of 6:30 p.m., 8:00 p.m. & 9:30 p.m. Games are played on various high school fields in the Southern Mississauga.
How many games does each team play?
A typical regular season for a team, consists of ten (10) games within your division, plus at least one playoff game. All teams qualify for the playoffs.
What are the basic rules used in the MTFL?
This League uses rules based on the Canadian Football League and those used by Touch Football Ontario.
It is 7-on-7, one-hand touch, 3-down football. The offence must gain 10 yards on three downs to earn a fresh set of downs, allowing them to continue their drive.
There are no steamboats. Immediately after the snap, on defence rushers can rush, and on offence the quarterback can run.
Field Goals and Extra Points are not a part of the game, instead we incorporate conversions after the touchdown. Touchdown conversions are attempted from 5 yds for 1-point or 10 yds 2-points.
The game is played in two 36-minute halves and game officials are provided as part of the Annual League Fees.
Lead blocking and picks are illegal and penalized. The League promotes competitive, safe fun!
What is the competition level like the MTFL?
Many players have played high school and/or college football. That being said, many other players have had only limited recreational touch (or flag) football exposure before joining this League. For example, the level of competition various from high performance athletes/teams competing for national titles to every day guys staying in shape and having organized/competitive games. League organizers will interview you/your team in order to assess an appropriate level/division of play for you.
Are there any restrictions on who can play in the MTFL?
Yes, Players must be 18 years of age or older and may only be registered with one team at any given time during the season (in the MTFL).
Players are also encouraged to be in good health and have their own personal and/or work related health insurance. A team may carry as many as 20 players on its roster although most carry between 12 and 15 dedicated players.
If I want to start a new team who do I contact and by when?
The League's Annual General Meeting (AGM) occurs in late March. To join, it's best that you contact the League well before then. Furthermore, depending on how your team finances are organized, you may also need to contact your players and/or sponsors before that time as well to collect the fund necessary to pay the Annual League Fee by the registration deadline.
In addition, as a new team, you may also need time to coordinate your purchases of equipment (e.g. footballs, kickoff tees, goal post pads and team jerseys/shirts) before the season actually starts. As an example, six weeks is a typical time period to organize your team, hold practices or scrimmages and get team uniforms out of the way. Finally, the League reserves the right to control who may actually join (as a team and/or individual player).
What is the cost to enter a new team?
Prior to the Annual General Meeting, the actual Annual League Fee is announced as it varies. The Annual League Fee includes the cost of field permits, League Insurance, game officials supplied by the Mississauga Officials Association, prizes for the Division Champions and finalists, and other associated administrative costs such as meeting and web site maintenance.
Other potential associated costs a new team should be aware of is the $200 Performance Bond and equipment purchases. The Performance Bond is a required by all teams as an assurance their team will show up for each scheduled game. The costs associated to equipment will vary as it depends on what you need to purchase. New teams may already own some equipment required to play. Some of the equipment required are footballs, a kicking tee and goal post pads (available for purchase from the League for $200). Team uniforms are also required.
If I am by myself, what can I do to join an existing team?
On the League web site, find the Player Recruitment Form. Complete it and submit it to the League as soon as possible (well before the start of the regular season). The League maintains a list of all such players and their profiles in order to facilitate matching them with teams trying to grow/replace other players who may have "retired" for various reasons. There is no guarantee, but by filling out the form, you improve your chances of making a connection. Individual fees will vary by team, for example you may need to purchase a team jersey.shirt to a member of a particular team. Players should budget approximately $150 per season along with the purchase of a pair of cleats.
Are there other things I can do to enjoy and contribute to the MTFL?
Yes, the League is always looking for volunteers for the Executive Committee to assist in administering League activities & events. Furthermore, you could also become a game official which is a paid position. Contact the an Executive Committee Member via email for further information on either of these topics.
What about payment of the Annual League Fees?
There is a one-time payment that can be made at the Annual General Meeting (AGM) or by mail prior to the due date announced at the AGM. More information about payments to the MTFL can be found under 'Rules & Information' section. The League's mailing address can be found under 'Contact Us'.
Things Team Captains/Organizers might benefit from
Tips for Team Captains (slide show)
- Team Commitment - Set expectations for player behaviours and financial commitments as quickly as possible. For example, organize team practices, clearly communicate the games rules and also the financial cost to each team member as soon as possible in order to focus preparing for the season.
- Equipment - Make sure your team is properly equipped with goal post pads, a kicking tee, and footballs as they are required for each game.
Team jerseys are something you should look into, after you have secured all the necessary equipment required for each game.
- Roster Management - The roster allows for a maximum of 20 players for good reasons. Although 'dedicated' players can easily form a team with as few as eight or nine players, this is rarely the case. Players will always be interrupted by personal affairs that may conflict with the game schedule. These things can include; the birth of a child, vacation, wedding plans, deaths and of course work. Ask each team member to list their availability in advance as best they can for the upcoming season in order to be better prepare for each game.
It's not unusual to have teams with 15 players on the roster. Teams with a large roster tend to have players willing to accept 'specialist' roles (where a player plays one position primarily), whereas teams with a small roster will have players playing both defence and offence.
The key roles of any team are the quarterback, kicker/punter, rusher, and centre. Try to cultivate these skills amongst your players so you know who you have as starters and as a back up when the starter is not able to attend or gets injured during a game.
Contact the League as soon as possible when recognizing a need to fill positions on your roster if you lose players to attrition over the years as we regularly maintain a list of interested players looking for teams to join.
- Practice - Organize team practices to better prepare for games and devise game plans.
During the pre-season, try to organize a couple of scrimmages with teams in your division or even with teams in a higher division. In doing this, you can enhance your 'team play' skills.
- Game Preparation - Design a playbook. For ease of calling plays, put it on 'recipe' size cue cards and laminate them to protect them from the weather and general use.
With a majority of the games being played in the summer season, it is important to bring plenty of water to keep yourself refreshed and hyrdrated throughout the game.
- Game Play - During the game, encourage your team to stay focused on tactics and strategies.
Sportsmanship is highly recommended. Acknowledge & promote good play by your team, opponents and the officials.
- Promote Fun & Good Sportsmanship - Play the game with the intention of doing your best on the field as well as off the field during post game activities.
Help the League help itself, for example suggesting good places to buy jerseys from, participating in rule/League Executive Committees, organizing League social events or becoming a game official.
Things each Team Member must know for each game
- Be Prompt - Arrive on time for each game. It is recommended that you arrive at least 15 minutes prior to kick-off for a proper warm-up to avoid possible injury and to get organized.
- Goal Post Pads - The game will only be played if your team has goal post pads. Ensure in advance that a player attending the game will be able to bring them (no pads will result in a forfeit).
- Bad Weather - In the event of bad weather, only the referees can cancel a game. Prior to the game, the referees will indicate that whether or not a game will be cancelled due to lightning or any other adverse weather conditions that make the game unsafe to take place. In the event a game is cancelled, the League will schedule a make-up game.
Your team must be at your scheduled game with the minimum required number of players (5) in order to be eligible for a make-up game or else it will be deemed a forfeit.
- Team Captains - While on the field, listen to your team captains as they are the only individuals allowed to discuss rules/penalties with referees during the game.
- Game Play - While on the field, never lower your head or shoulder as this is a touch League. Unsportsmanlike behaviour is not tolerated, for example blocking, fighting, swearing is not considered acceptable behaviour.
Tips on Team Jerseys
If your team is looking to get jerseys, you might find the following tips useful:
- Ask the League if your desired colours are already too popular. This will avoid the situation of having too many teams with the same colour of jersey. If it fits your budget, some teams carry two sets of jerseys (home & away) in the event they show up to a game with similar colours to their opponents.
- With respect to team colours, it is not essential to have multiple colours (although it is a nice touch). A good 'micro-mesh' two-colour jersey with numbering will generally cost about $60.
- When deciding on numbering, screen printed numbers are far more economic than embroidered. Numbering should be between 10" and 12" tall. Most stores allow you to pick the size desired for each jersey number and generally do not charge extra for this option.
- Team names are not required and may cost extra. However should you decide on this route, once again screen print is sufficient. Simple font styles should help keep costs to a minimum. It is recommended the lettering be a minimum 4" tall for it to be noticed and even be worth the price.
- Before placing your order, we suggest trying on the sizes of the jersey manufacturer. One company's 'large' is another company's 'extra large'. Most players prefer a snug fit with short length sleeves.
- Some stores have a minimum order quantity restriction. In the event you will be required to order a minimum that is greater than the total number in your roster, we suggest ordering different numbers for the additional jerseys as a way to plan ahead for future years. You might find that you could be adding new team members down the road. Preparing a list of jersey numbers might be helpful in reducing the possibility of ordering duplicates.
Some in the League currently have a simple t-shirt with screen printed numbers and some have professionally made football jerseys. Ultimately when deciding on your team uniform, it will all depend on your budget and how far you want to go.